
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Month in review - 'honeymoon day' :D

Hey everyone!!! Yes, we are FINALLY getting back to the month in review posts, after our Ray & HB fiasco.  Whew. 
Anyway, to refresh your mind, you can find the original posts HERE and HERE (:
And also, my text will be purple and Flynn's green. 

We're starting off with my side of the post, so here we go (: 

Haha, I remember that.  Your hair was so messy.  Oh, knock it off. Just like I told you to do then, too!  :D 

And poor Jase...just to think about how glad she was in the morning to wake up and realize she was in a home?  Wow. 

Yeah, I know.  Poor girl...well, at least now she's got a home with us.  (:
And oh used to tease me so much! 
Used to? 
Okay, lemme rephrase.  You TEASE me so much.  Minus the 'used to'.  You never stopped.
You wouldn't like me any other way, though.   And 'award winning grin'?  Why thank you.

If anything, you're good for a few laughs, hon.  And goodness...I can't believe you beat yourself up so much about rushing into marriage and adopting the girls...yikes. 
Well...when you make your sweet, adorable wife cry-

Oh, knock it off, would ya?  :D 
Ahaha...and this was the first time we danced...oh my.  That was an embarrassing, painful trainwreck! 
You're pretty good for a few laughs, too, hon.  You weren't that bad....
And you know what I've been thinking?  We haven't had our daily walks/talks in a lonnnng time. 

Yeah, I just thought about that as well!  We need to get back in the habit of it.  Although, we do talk in the evenings before we go to sleep. 

Yup...and this was also before we'd even lay down beside one another at night!  We have come quite a long ways, if you ask me. 

And I agree!
Oh no.  Are you seriously going to read that last paragraph? 

Yes I am, dear girl...haha wow, thanks for the compliments! 

That you weren't supposed to see. 
When we share a blog, it's kind of hard to keep things private like that :D 
True.  Well, let's get to your side of the post....
'Funny feeling in my stomach'?  That's called butterflies in your stomach, hon. 
But I'm a guy...butterflies in my stomach sounds weird coming from a guy! 
Fine.  You have manly butterflies in your stomach, then. 
Hah...I'll stick with funny feeling.  :D
Hmmm...I didn't feel your heart thundering, but yeah, I'm as pathetically fascinated with you as you were with me. 
I 'was'?  How about I AM? 
Whatever tense you prefer; past or present...doesn't matter to me! :D  And goodness.  You hardly even noticed me stomping your feet, almost yanking you down with me when I stumbled....etc?  You must not have been paying attention very well. 

You've got that right..I wasn't paying attention to the dance itself, more like paying a lot of attention to the stunningly gorgeous face right in front of me!

Shush up.  Stunningly gorgeous does not-
Shush up.  Yes it does. 
Two can play at this game, dear.  Just remember that.  I'm always right anyway! :D
But let's make an exception this one time...
How 'bout we get back to the post?
Ahh...reading this is making me want to dance...

Note to self:  Next time we can get away from the dresser for a bit without our lives being threatened by crazy Barbies, take Rapunzel dancing. 
Ha, ha...and to think we were hesitant to kiss each other back then?  Woops. 
Yeah...not anymore, right?  Unless we've just had an argument and I'm scared to touch you, for fear that you'll fly into me. 
I'm not that bad, am I? 
[Cue the cricket chirps...]
Alright, alright, I get the message.  :D 

Well, that's the end of this post...hopefully we'll be able to get onto a more normal posting schedule for these posts....for now we'll probably head back to the dresser to spend time with the girls! (:


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